server_tour — Wurstmineberg Wiki EditHistory
#Server Tour
A list of places that are visited on the server tour for new server members.
- New Spawn
- Public Farms around New Spawn and Player Bases
- Zucchini the village near New Spawn
- Blast Chamber and farms and storage
- Mob/Creeper Farm
- New Nether Hub
- Basilingen, Iron Vortex, Reenactment Center, Slime Farm
- Menger Sponge
- Perimeter and Wither Skull Farm
- Stronghold and The End
to be continued
#Old Server Tour
Server tour on the wayback machine
When new people are whitelisted, they usually get a tour of the server. As our whitelist grew, some server tour traditions have formed. This page can be seen as notes for the tour guides, or as a list of projects worth showing off. The tour takes approximately three hours, if you want to shorten it, speak faster, derp less with the minecarts and skip some optional places.
- Before whitelisting someone, ask if they have a twitter account and if so, include it in the !Whitelist command. This ensures that the Taking Inventory achievement tweet mentions them.
- Naturally, each tour starts at Platz des Ursprungs: If not everyone is at PdU and in Teamspeak yet, wait for them before starting the tour. Start with an explanation on the PdU's name, and mention the Great Wither Fights.
- Bottomless Pit: Wait for someone to fall in. Explain the deathtweets and achievement tweets, and the death count in the player list.
- Derp (after the Bottomless Pit so that no one loses their lunchbox in the void): Get the new players to check out and empty their lunchboxes. Everything should go either in their inventory or Ender chest. Explain that the map is cloned. Go over everything in Derp. While showing the clock, mention and Do not show the fireplace entrance.
- Optional: Wurstcreature Headquarters. Mention that street names are usually related to the buildings on that street. Explain the Portal Game.
- Humane Chicken Farm: Explain that all farms at spawn are free for everyone to use, as long as they are replanted (if necessary, eg the Titan Gardens). Explain that anyone can build at spawn, but that there are guidelines.
- rail duplicator: Explain that there are no rules against bugusing, in general. Talk about the latency-induced atomic genesis dupe bug.
- Trading Hell: Explain the system, and note that it's important not to kill some villagers. Show the sugar cane output chest.
- Optional: base of jemus42 and tree farm: Maybe actually go there, or just explain that at the end of the road there is a private tree farm which is free for anyone to use as long as saplings are replanted. Hint at the revolution and the hostile takeover by naturalismus.
- PvP Arena: Allude to the running joke about benemitc being the “Only person on the server who knows how to make a building not look shitty.”[1] Maybe mention that he is planning a Dragon Egg Temple on the mountain east of the arena[soon™].
- Uncommon Grounds: Note the history of the building as the player trading hall.
- Smelting Center: Explain how the furnace array works, including the status light.
- Cloud: Explain the sorters and overflow, including the floor cleaner at PdU.
- Death Games: Explain the basics of the game. Note that the lunchbox includes an invitation to the Death Games. Talk about the conspiracy theory that the Death Games was invented to kill the Carl.
- Iron Trench/Iron Titan: Explain the history of the farms, and note that Naron was the first iron golem farm on the server. Explain that it is very important not to place wooden doors near the Titan.
- Mob farm: Explain the former “dispensers crafted” scoreboard objective, tell them about the lag of the former mob farm. Note that the website has a stats section. Explain the current scoreboard objective.
- Wurstcreature Science Innovators Harmony Materializer
- Wurstcreature Science Innovators Electrified Creeper Field: Show the naming station, and then the field itself.
- Skeleton grinder: Explain the manual kill. Note the AFK spot.
- Wall of Accidentally Crafted Buttons: Still the best feature on the server.
- Main hub: Explain the grid system and how to claim a new tunnel.
- Wurstcreature Science Pig People Aggravator above the main hub: Explain how the hole in the bedrock was made, and that the Bottomless Pit's hole was made the same way. Explain how to use the farm and why building above the Nether is not usually allowed.
- Optional: Fahrvergnuegen: Demonstrate the speed and jumping tests. Explain which horses are available, and how to name them.
- Optional: Blaze Farm
- Optional: Desert Ocean Monument: Explain Ocean Monument generation, explain that the world is old, talk about the Update That Changed The World and funky terrain borders (update cliffs).
- Optional: Wither Skelly Farm: Explain Wurstcreature Science and mention the Portal Game if it hasn't come up yet. Explain the Wurstcreature logo maps.
- Second Stronghold: Before going through the Nether portal, warn about the End portal right next to it. Show the various farms in the stronghold before heading to the End.
- The End: Note the obsidian farm and that the outer ring should not be mined. Point out the way to the open End and the exit portal.
- Ender ender 2.0: Demonstrate the farm. Note that all chest contents are public domain. If it hasn't come up yet, explain Slack, chat-syncing, and wurstminebot (!Help and !People commands). Link the overview map and suggest some things to do when finding and building a base. Explain that most things are kinda documented in the wiki. Note that the lunchbox includes 10 obsidian and a flint & steel, explain that all Nether portals must be added to this list, and offer building the corresponding portal (but not the tunnel to the nearest hub) in the Nether. End the tour and, if necessary, give a reminder on how to exit the End.
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