Wurstmineberg is a whitelisted Minecraft server with a small number of active people. Our main world is a vanilla world running on the latest release. We sometimes also have a second modded world that is reset regularly. We do a lot of background and infrastructure work to make the most out of the vanilla Minecraft experience.
Our hosting situation has changed many times now. We started out on a spare MacBook in a living room, tried commercial Minecraft server hosters, set everything up ourselves on a VPS, then a physical server, and are back to a VPS now.
Our current VPS is an Linode Dedicated 8GB with 0GB of backup space.
For more details and a brief history of the server, read the Hosting article on our wiki.
If you're thinking about joining the server or wondering how you can, read on. First, though, there are a few things we would like to let you know about what playing on the server is like.
Now for the actual invitation process, just ask one of our members to invite you. See the main page for ways to contact us.
If you're new and don't know where to go and what to do, chances are you didn't get a server tour by one of our more senior members. Sorry about that. The first thing you'll see is our spawn area, which is rather obviously still being built, like so many things on the server. “Beneath” the spawn area is our Nether hub, which serves as a central community trafficking area and connects various tunnels to other peoples's Nether portals. Both the Nether hub and spawn area are community oriented builds. All the supplies there are either donated or specifically collected for specific builds or purposes, so… well, the general rule is “Don't be a dick”. If something has a sign with “free to take” on it, you can probably take it. Taking everything is generally frowned upon for reasons of obviousness. Also, even if there are usually some community supplies floating around (like steak), please don't rely on them as your only means of, you know, not starving to death.
If you'd like to work on community builds like spawners, farms or whatever, please try to ask around some of the other people who may or may not have already started preparations for such builds. It's not about owning a community project, it's just about coordination and not stepping on people's toes. However, experience shows that you probably won't be murdered in your sleep if you build at spawn without discussing every minor detail with everyone. Hanging around on Discord and/or checking out the wiki should give a start as to what's currently going on. And sometimes it doesn't.
As I was saying, it's about community. As long as you're being reasonable and remember you're not alone on this server (both for your and everybody else's benefit), everything's fine.
The Wurstmineberg infrastructure runs on a VPS with monthly costs. Members may contribute to paying for these expenses on a voluntary basis. Depending on how much money is available, we will upgrade or downgrade the hardware on which the server runs. We may also occasionally use this money for other purposes, such as temporarily upgrading the server for events like Renascence or USC.
Note: The server is billed in US dollars but contributions are typically in euros. Therefore, the status below is only an approximation and may change based on conversion rates at billing time.
Current goal: keep the server running next month
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The People of wurstmineberg.de 2012–2025
Wurstmineberg is not created by, affiliated with, or supported by Discord Inc or Twitch Interactive.