The warden warden is a combination warden farm, warden suppressor (tbd), and overworld/nether mob switch.
It can be reached through the nether from the otherside portal, or through the overworld from the otherside ancient city close to the geode base.
There are three distinct locations that make up the warden warden:
The warden spawning pad is located in the otherside ancient city. It is constructed around a shrieker and is a mix of these two ilmango designs:
From here, the spawning pad can be assigned a player, and the clock can be switched on or off. (tbd: Also, the spawning pad can be switched between farm mode and warden suppression mode)
From the spawning pad, the wardens are transported into a system of pipes. There is a control board that can be used to move wardens between the following locations:
Wardens from the spawning pad (and also the nether portal) are collected and then sent to either the overworld mob switch or the killing chamber.
This is where wardens go to become sculk catalysts.
This is where wardens are collected. The mob switch is in lazy chunks when the warden warden is permaloaded. From here, wardens can be sent to the killing chamber or the nether portal. They can also be held in place to make the mob switch work.
The nether portal is where wardens are sent in order to switch off mob spawning in the Nether. When the nether mob switch is turned off, its wardens also arrive in the Overworld from here and are sent to inbound.
Whether wardens that are coming from the pad/nether should be sent to the overworld mob switch or the killing chamber
If closed, the mob switch will collect wardens; if open, they will be sent onwards. Close this valve to use the overworld mob switch.
Where wardens go from the mob switch if the valve is open.
A noisemaker that occupies Wardens so that they don't despawn. Should usually be on during normal operation.
Permaloader for the warden warden. If deactivated, both mob switches will only work if actually loaded by a player. Can be used to disable both mob switches temporarily.
The nether side is much simpler than the overworld side. There is simply a loop from the nether portal to the mob switch and back again.
If closed, the mob switch will collect wardens; if open, they will be sent back to the overworld. Close this valve to use the Nether mob switch.
A noisemaker that occupies Wardens so that they don't despawn. Should usually be on during normal operation.
In the nether loop, if wardens are present and not in the switch, sneaking is advised.
Be careful not to AFK for too long while restocking a mob switch. There are no safeguards yet to prevent wardens from accumulating and crashing the server. If the warden warden is permaloaded, it will produce wardens as long as the player who supplied the arrows is in the overworld, so leaving the area is not enough; you must send the wardens to the killing chamber if the pad is on and you plan to AFK indefinitely.
The pad attempts to spawn a warden every 10 seconds, with a very high (but not perfect) rate of success. For the mob switch to work, 70 loaded mobs per player are needed. Assuming perfect spawning, a single player mob cap is full in 700 seconds. So, 12-13 minutes per anticipated player online is a good estimate.
Since the interface for the warden warden is very low-level, here are a few use cases:
The People of 2012–2025
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