project-daedalus — Wurstmineberg Wiki EditHistory
Project Daedalus
Project Daedalus is a network of Elytra Launchers.
Elytra launchers are devices that use entity collision to quickly accelerate players in elytra mode to very high speeds. A large amount of boats is stacked in one place in such a way that makes it easy for players to first set their desired launch yaw and pitch to control where they will be flung, and then fall into the boats.
It is the spiritual successor of Project Icarus, a similar network that had to be dismantled because collision detection performance significantly decreased in 1.13, meaning that the excessive lag this network caused made the game unplayable.
In 1.15.2, it was discovered that while launchers still cause some amount of lag, it is no longer game breaking.
Ground rules
In an attempt to learn from the past, Project Daedalus is establishing ground rules to prevent excessive lag from the start. Most of these rules limit the times at which launchers are loaded in the first place.
Launcher power is proportional to the number of boats in the launcher, but more boats also mean more lag. Therefore, the general idea is that the more powerful launchers are, the less they will be loaded.
There will be roughly 3 tiers:
- Injector launchers. These launchers are small enough to be in areas that are expected to be loaded by players often and facilitate travel to regional launchers.
- Regional launchers. These launchers are more powerful, enough to enable players to travel a small amount of Kibimeters, and also enough to traverse the exclusion zone around mass relays. They are built in a spot where they are unlikely to be accidentally loaded, but where they will not kill server performance if that does happen.
- Mass relays. These launchers are tremendously powerful and should only ever be loaded when they are used, as loading them may cause server TPS to temporarily drop. They allow players to travel Kibimeters in the launch direction within a couple of seconds, or access to large parts of the world when launching upwards even when using a 52° glide slope. They are surrounded by an exclusion zone when built to make loading them accidentally exceedingly unlikely.
These rules are still subject to discussion. Many of them were met with approval on discord before being edited for clarity and numbers were made concrete, but some of them are new.
- "Wilderness" is defined as terrain that has not been significantly altered by players. For example, abandoned junk chests don't count, farms/bases/houses/non-abandoned nether portals do.
- For the purposes of these rules, "within render distance" only applies to chunks that are entity-processing.
- Render distance is assumed to be 16 regardless of the current server render distance to provide a safety margin.
- Chunks may be either permanently entity-processing (such as spawn or loaded with a permaloader) or contain a project daedalus launcher, not both.
- Launchers that contain more than 80 boats may not be built within render distance of AFK spots.
- AFK spots that are no longer needed to run a farm don't count (fE iron vortex).
- Launchers that contain more than 161 boats must only contain wilderness and transport infrastructure within render distance.
- Launchers that contain more than 323 boats must also only contain wilderness and transport infrastructure in a manhattan radius of 1kim at the time of construction.
- Hub locations are not wilderness even if no hub with a portal has been built yet.
- Areas where projects are planned do not count as wilderness if the project is tied to the area. Whenever a launcher is built, the location must be announced in discord 48 hours in advance. After 48 hours, if there is no entry in planned-projects that is close enough, the area may be considered wilderness.
- The previous rule should be applied informally and in good faith.
- Bases that are tightly integrated with project daedalus count as transport infrastructure, even if their primary function is only related (fE the Helicarrier counts even though it also contains villagers and a creeper farm because its whole point is to be a hub that can be used for mapping).
Planned launchers
Name/location [Facing(Secondary facing)] - # boats
- Close to spawn chunk border [W(N)] - 80 boats
- North of iron vortex [S(E)] - 161 boats
- Basilingen/Zucchini regional [S(E)] - 242/323 boats
- Zucchini Relay [S(E)] - 485/566 boats
- Witch hat Relay [N(E)] - 485/566 boats
- Witch hat Regional [N(E)] - 161 boats
- Witch hat Injector [N(E)] - 80 boats
- Old World Relay [N(W)] - 485/566 boats
- Acedia Relay [N(E)] - 485/566 boats
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