map — Wurstmineberg Wiki EditHistory


We have an map of our world that can be found here.

It is created using Minecraft Overviewer, and we are using this branch by iRath96 for the new 1.16 file format/nether blocks.


There are currently multiple renders:



Low-quality render of the entire overworld.

wurstmineberg - nether


Old low-quality render of the entire nether. No extra brightness, so pretty much unusable.

Nether (bright)

Like Nether, but with added brightness for visibility

Nether (tunnels)

Low-quality render of the entire nether, but cut off above y=113, the height of the glowstone in the hub system tunnel walls.

wurstmineberg - end


Low-quality render of the entire end.

Planned renders

Renders that are not implemented yet. If you want a specific area of the map rendered, drop them here. Beware that disk space and processing power are limited, so renders may be rejected, for example if they aren't low-quality or of a highly specific area (fE spawn, your base).


wurstmineberg - old spawn

High-quality render of the old spawn around 0,0

wurstmineberg - acedia

High-quality render of the Acedia base

wurstmineberg - zucchini

High-quality render of current spawn

wurstmineberg - eldin

High-quality render of the Eldin base

wurstmineberg - nether

Nether (lava lakes)

Low-quality render of the entire nether up to y=35

Nether (lower caverns)

Low-quality render of the entire nether up to a yet to be determined y value that shows as much of the huge caverns (and fortresses) as possible without occluding them

Nether (higher caverns)

Low-quality render of the entire nether up to a yet to be determined y value that shows (but also occludes) more of the nether caverns than the previous render. Between this render, the lower caverns render and the lava lakes render, navigating the open nether should hopefully become possible - or at least, plotting a possible route in advance should become feasible.

wurstmineberg - end

End Island

High-quality render of the End Island

The People of 2012–2025

Wurstmineberg is not created by, affiliated with, or supported by Discord Inc or Twitch Interactive.