otherside — Wurstmineberg Wiki EditHistory

Otherside is the 4th Renascence settlement, started on January 21, 2022 at hub 0/-3. This article documents some of the infrastructure built there.


There is an underground Overworld railway connecting most of Otherside's infrastructure. From northwest to southeast, there are stations at:



The library is a trading hall with librarians, complete with an automatic sugar cane farm.

Best prices for each enchantment


Complete list of trades by floor (WIP)

Top Floor

Left corridor Middle corridor Right corridor
Left Side Right Side Left Side Right Side Left Side Right Side
1 Silk Touch (12)
Channeling (18)
Silk Touch (9)
Mending (12)
Quick Charge II (18)
Sweeping Edge III (12)
Efficiency V (64)
Unbreaking III (27)
Fortune I (5)
Sharpness V (49)
Mending (10)
Mending (10)
Infinity (16)
Infinity (18)
Fortune II (23)
Feather Falling IV (14)
Feather Falling III (17)
2 Frost Walker II (52)
Multishot (5)
Infinity (5)
Depth Strider III (38)
Mending (10)
Curse of Vanishing (30)
Fortune III (13)
Protection IV (22)
Aqua Affinity (13)
Blast Protection IV (17)
Punch II (12)
Smite V (33)
Quick Charge II (18)
Looting II (17)
Looting III (16)
Feather Falling II (11)
3 -
Silk Touch (5)
Impaling III (15)

Middle Floor

Left corridor Middle corridor Right corridor
Left Side Right Side Left Side Right Side Left Side Right Side
1 Fire Aspect II (25)
Projectile Protection II (24)
Respiration III (27)
Aqua Affinity (16)
Riptide II (22)
Fire Aspect I (18)
Fire Protection IV (38)
Flame (18)
Infinity (7)
Respiration II (10)
Unbreaking III (42)
Sharpness III (29)
Sharpness II (9)
Blast Protection IV (42)
Impaling II (11)
Blast Protection III (43)
Frost Walker I (34)-
Flame (8)
Flame (14)
2 Punch II (20)
Loyalty III (35)
Smite IV (46)
Fire Aspect II (11)
Riptide III (27)
Projectile Protection III (20)
Power IV (51)
Impaling I (6)
Channeling (5)
Lure III (41)
Power V (33)
Curse of Binding (24)
Impaling IV (26)
3 Knockback II (28)
Curse of Binding (28)-
Impaling V (49)
Bane of Arthropods V (35)
Fire Protection III (20)
Fire Aspect II (14)
Luck of the Sea III (23)
Infinity (5)
Silk Touch (13)
Fire Aspect I (10)
Curse of Binding (34)

Bottom Floor

Left corridor Middle corridor Right corridor
Left Side Right Side Left Side Right Side Left Side Right Side
1 Thorns III (15)
Depth Strider II (18)
Piercing IV (45)
Mending (26)
Fire Aspect I (10)
Projectile Protection IV (37)
Sweeping Edge II (16)
Looting II (22)
Channeling (17)
Multishot (10)
Infinity (14)
Luck of the Sea III (22)
Efficiency III (19)
Depth Strider I (14)
Knockback I (5)
2 Curse of Vanishing (26)
Feather Falling IV (57)
Power II (17)
Curse of Binding (38)
Fortune III (31)
Channeling (15)
Fortune I (13)
Impaling V (23)
Luck of the Sea I (17)
3 Bane of Arthropods IV (20)
Power V (47)
Fire Aspect I (10)
Quick Charge III (25)
Flame (14)

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