gravity-dupe — Wurstmineberg Wiki EditHistory
The gravity dupe is a (still only partially operational) fully AFKable system that, once complete, can be used to dupe most gravity affected blocks at (almost) hopper speed. It cannot dupe anvils or dragon eggs.
For anvils, we have the iron vortex, and for dragon eggs, the dupe at the First Stronghold close to old spawn should still work.
AFK spot
The AFK spot is in the End, right by the exit portal.
The storage is at spawn. There are 3 entrances:
- A water drop next to the Ender chest directly below the spawn platform
- A stairway branching off the one that leads to the branch mine
- From the ravine below the back of @kharadbanar's base
It processes items at double hopper speed, and (once done) features storage for
All dupable items get loaded into shulker boxes, half of which get stored, and half of which sent back to the End (see below). Other items are initially sent to overflow chests, and if these fill up, they are packed into mixed shulker boxes.
How it works
The player places blocks that are then pushed into the portal, duping them and sending them to spawn as items. At spawn, the items are packed into shulker boxes, of which half are stored, and half are sent back to the End through an item transport line that chunkloads itself when items pass through by sending items back and forth between the Nether and the Overworld. Then, in the End, the shulker boxes are unloaded again. The empty shulker box is sent to the gravity block dupe storage, which is at spawn, and its former contents are dropped to the AFK player, completing the cycle.
How to use
Once you have started the system:
- Go to the end
- If you pick up any shulker boxes of dupable items on the platform, drop them back on the center of the platform, making sure that they are picked up
- Go to the end portal
- Enter the duping system above the portal
- Fill your inventory with items you are not duping, except for one hotbar slot
- Flick the lever. The door should close behind you, the dropper below you should start firing, and pistons should start pushing.
- It is normal for the items to take a while to get there. If you aren't getting them yet, wait a minute or two.
- (optional but recommended) turn off audio
- Once you're getting items to dupe, place them against the wall opposite of you, in front of the pistons.
- You can use the F3+T trick to be fully AFK for this
Starting the system
In order to get the system going, we need to send some shulker boxes of dupable items to the end first. Go to the storage at spawn, and have a look at a storage slice.
UI components
The storage slices have two noteblocks - one at the bottom to initiate duping for that item, and another at the top to toggle duping for that item.
The noteblock at the top (to toggle duping) toggles whether or not shulker boxes are sent back to the end for this slice. If the redstone lamp next to it is illuminated, once two shulker boxes have been filled, one is sent to the end to continue duping, and one to storage. If it is off, BOTH are sent to storage, and the system will stop giving players that item eventually.
The noteblock at the bottom sends a shulker box from storage to the end to initiate duping. It also sets that storage slice to duping mode.
Common use cases
Duping a lot of sand
- Make sure all storage slices are off
- Initiate duping for sand (or red sand)
- Go to the end, start duping
- AFK for as long as you need - the system produces items at almost exactly hopper speed
- Go back to spawn, turn off that storage slice
- If you want to be nice to the next person using the system - go back to the end and dupe what is left to purge the system
Duping a bit of multiple colors of concrete
- Make sure all storage slices are off
- Initiate duping for every color you need
- Set the duping toggle for every slot back to off, so that you only dupe on SB of that item
- AFK for as long as you need - the system produces items at almost exactly hopper speed, so that's about 5.2 per hour
- Go back to spawn, collect your duped items, no further cleanup necessary
Why not use a design that uses portal edges?
Meh. Boring.
State of completion
The system was previously incomplete. Some things that still needed to be done (as well as possible improvements):
- storage slices for all items - done!
- currently done:
- red sand
- sand
- black concrete
- tasks:
- build the other storage slices - done!
- test the other storage slices - done!
- hopper locking for storage when not in use - done!
- tasks:
- build the locking line (depends on storage slices) - done!
- build the wallstone to trigger unlocking when items come in - done!
- build the pulse lengthener (to give items time to flow to their storage slices) - done!
- shulker box storage underflow protection - done!
- tasks:
- lock the end transport dropper when the shulker box line is running low. - done!
- maybe trigger an alarm? - done!
- shulker box crafter to significantly expand SB storage capacity
- tasks:
- build shulker box crafter (depends on 1.21)
- better UI for initiating/finishing duping - done!
- tasks:
- figure out how to technically accomplish that - done!
- figure out what a good UI would look like - done!
- implement the new UI - done!
- support sending signals to the overworld from the end (for example, to stop duping, or maybe even to initiate duping later)
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