new-spawn — Wurstmineberg Wiki EditHistory
New spawn, also called Zucchini proper, is the central part of Zucchini, containing the spawn coordinates of the wurstmineberg world, x:-8192 y:-16384. New spawn is located in a forest biome which was largely cleared by @gingenya who is known to hate trees. Located at or near new spawn are simple farms, item storage builds, and some player bases.
When the old spawn area Platz des Ursprungs (PdU) became unplayable due to lag issues caused by the mass storage system Cloud, the Wurstmineberg community decided to relocate spawn and start a Renascence project far away from the “Old World”.
At the spawn coordinates themselves, there is a glass platform giving a good view of the area. The platform is decorated with gold blocks which have traditionally been used to mark the spawn position by some parts of the Minecraft community. In the center of the platform, there is a floor cleaner which is part of the gravity dupe system. The Ender chest closest to the spawn platform can be found inside the hill, directly below the platform.
- manual farms for wheat, carrots, potatoes, beetroot, sugar cane, cacti, Nether warts, melons, pumpkins, and vines
- manual farms for sheep (all colors) and pigs
- a defunct afk fish farm Eating Nemo
- wood farms (2x2 spruce, dark oak, oak)
- the Bee Tree Farm
- an automatic cooked chicken farm
- a lava farm behind the stone storage
- a composter next to the wheat farm
Player bases
Other builds
- On the hill, next to the spawn platform, there is an enchanter
- Near the beacons, there is a pair of lamp posts where banners are flown for special occasions. A nearby chest contains previously used banners for reuse and a sign to be placed on one of the posts to explain the occasion.
- A branch mine with layers at both old and new diamond level (entrance below the spawn platform)
- A brewing stand with a cleric villager
- A horse stable with an underground speed testing track
- The Redistribution of Redstone, where “redstone base kit” shulker boxes containing a variety of useful items can be found
- Chests containing materials duplicated using general-purpose item dupes the last time this was possible:
- elytra
- shulker shells
- wet sponges
- The armory, a storage building for armor, horse armor, elytra, weapons, tools, and arrows. It also provides a smithing table and a grindstone, as well as a Netherite upgrade template.
- The Wurstmineberg Mass Stone and Stone Variety Storage
- The wheat farm storage for anything not stored in the stone storage, the armory, the nearby farms, or Karotterdam
Wurstmineberg is not created by, affiliated with, or supported by Discord Inc or Twitch Interactive.