zucchini-overworld-railway — Wurstmineberg Wiki EditHistory

The Zucchini Overworld Railway is, as the name suggests, a minecart rail network in Greater Zucchini's Overworld. It incrporates a railway track originally built as part of @bobschi's base and is currently being expanded to serve more points of interest.

Planned network

The railway will consist of two segments:

Basilingen circle line

In clockwise order, there are stations at:

Main line

The main line branches off the Basilingen circle line at Basilingen Slime Farm. Going southeast from there, there are stations at:

The stations at @kharadbanar's and @bobschi's bases are skipped by default but can be stopped at by pressing a button while approaching them.

There is also a branch that can be taken at Zucchiningen with a station at the Nether wart farm, which continues via Menger Overlook station, skipping Mapping Outpost station. This branch is one-way.

Current status

The sections of the main line between Blast Chamber and Basilingen Slime Farm are operational with the exception of the buttons to stop at @bobschi's base.

Of the Basilingen circle line, currently only the segment between Basilingen Slime Farm and Iron Vortex is completed.

Still missing are:

The People of wurstmineberg.de 2012–2025

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