banners — Wurstmineberg Wiki EditHistory
Banners are used on Wurstmineberg for symbolic and navigational purposes. For example, many Nether hub tunnels in the old world are marked with the tunnel owner's banner, and on 2021-06-10, when Wurstmineberg upgraded to Minecraft 1.17, @fenhl started a tradition of marking special occasions and some new builds by decorating the two lantern posts on Zucchini's main street with banners. Known designs include:
These banners were introduced shortly before the start of Camelot.
- The Old World banner shows the four cardinal directions according to their color coding in the Nether hub system, viewed facing north. The gray lozenge represents Platz des Ursprungs. The yellow center represents the golden spawn decorations. pattern
- The Acedia banner shows various colors of terracotta layers of badlands terrain. pattern
- The Zucchini banner combines the green color of zucchinis and the blue color of the ocean. The globe pattern represents both the mapping projects and the coastal landscape. As with the Old World banner, the yellow center represents the golden spawn decorations. pattern
- The Eldin banner has 3 red “waves” as an approximation of the Mark of Din referencing the character for whom the Eldin region in the Legend of Zelda is named. The black background is intended to invoke the atmosphere in the Nether. pattern
- The Otherside banner shows the daytime sky representing the new terrain in Minecraft 1.18 on the left (west) half and the darkness of the deep dark on the right (east) half. pattern
- The Camelot banner depicts a celestial camel carrying the sun over the sky sea. pattern
Project banners
- The Ghastinator banner shows a ghast opening its mouth to shoot a fireball. pattern
- The Karotterdam banner's shape is inspired by the flag and coat of arms of Rotterdam, with the red representing Nether landscape made of Netherrack, and the orange center representing both a river of lava in analogy to the Rotte river represented by the Rotterdam flag's white center, as well as the color of carrots. pattern
- The Naron Benh banner is a rotated form of the flag of Wanya, the language in which the base is named. The banner was not used during @plyspomitox's time on the server, with them and @fenhl instead opting to display both of their player banners side by side at the entrance of the project. pattern
Player banners
other banners
- Wurstmineberg as a whole is represented by a banner showing a stylized version of the “Wurstpick”, the Wurstmineberg logo, on a white background. It is sometimes used to mark community builds. pattern
- A banner representing Mojang is placed on the Zucchini lantern posts on the day of each Minecraft release, remaining there for a week for feature releases. pattern
- A shared banner for @felis and @madmalik: pattern
- Plain red and green banners are placed on buoys of the same color to mark them on maps. Inspired by the Canadian system, these buoys are red and triangular on the starboard side, or green and rectangular on the port side, when approaching a harbor.
historical banners
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