todo-soon-tm — Wurstmineberg Wiki EditHistory

Todo Soon™

A list of Things to be done Soon™

See also: planned projects (oops)

How to use

Add Things to the table when you realize that you want to do them at some point, but can't/don't want to do them right now.

Only incomplete Things go here. It's meant as a reminder of ideas/partially complete projects for whenever you want to do something, but aren't sure what.

For that reason/to keep it short for that purpose, put lists of sub-Things into the wiki article for the Thing.


Thing elaborate Where Who
leave no here meem
fix Ender ender 2.0 a raid killed the Endermite, replace it with a new one and possibly add a safety mechanism to ensure no raids spawn there Ender ender 2.0 anyone
bulk storage a bulk storage for stuff that accumulates during diggy diggy hole activities west of iron vortex KharadBanar, ralokt
a farm of ice and fire an AFKable ice farm (gnembon's design maybe?), built with nether blocks. tbd bobschi (?), ralokt
Zucchini overworld railway finish the circle line! around basilingen Fenhl, KharadBanar, ralokt, whoever wants to join
blast chamber safeguards detect error conditions and automatically stop blast chamber ralokt, whoever wants to join
add new project daedalus launchers maybe build some mass relays? everywhere (allowed) ralokt, whoever wants to join
Zucchini museum a build where 1 of every item introduced in Minecraft 1.13–1.15 is collected with documentation on where to find more northeast of Blast Chamber fenhl, whoever wants to join
other museum branches builds where 1 of every remaining item is collected with documentation on where to find more various fenhl, whoever wants to join
Project Advancements needs new plans for Minecraft updates since last activity Acribbean Ridge fenhl, jamesprince, whoever wants to join

The People of 2012–2025

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